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    Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting

for Cosmopolitan May 2014



Credit: Cosmopolitan Magazine

On her breakup with co-star Johnny Galecki: “It took a minute, a bit of awkwardness. By the grace of God, we became best buddies and moved on in such an elegant way. [He’s] one of my closest friends. He was in the front row at my wedding, with a huge smile on his face.”


On her short-lived fling with Henry Cavill: “I had no one following me until I met Superman. I’ve been in this business for 20 years, and my whole life, I could go anywhere, do anything. There had not been one paparazzi photo of me until like several months ago. The recognition was crazy.”


On her speedy engagement and wedding to Ryan Sweeting: “I admit it happened fast, but that’s who I am. When we met, I knew he was the one. [At my wedding], I felt like a rock star and a badass. What was amazing in that room, it was so full of love. It was like nothing I’d ever been to before, and it was exactly what we wanted it to be. It was the eighth wonder of the world, the greatest wedding of all time.”


On her online haters: "I started reading and thought, maybe I need to make more of an effort and not go out in my UGGs and be disgusting. So I started putting on makeup. And they started writing, 'Wow, someone really likes being in front of the camera' and 'Her hair's done now for coffee.' I couldn't do anything right. Why am I reading this s***? But I'm obsessed. I openly admit to being totally insane about that. The fact that I've stayed out rehab and jail and kept my underwear on for every photo... if my one thing is being obsessed with what they think of my dress, that's fine. I really am an open book. I don't keep anything in at all, which is good and bad. Now, you can post a picture and 18,000 people see it. You can tell the world everything in five minutes. Maybe they do think I'm a little dumb, like this-girl-can't-shut-up sort of thing. But if I wasn't in the public eye, I'd be the same exact person. I'd be telling my 18 followers: this is a picture of my wedding."

       Miley Cyrus for

Elle Magazine May 2014


Credit: Elle Magazine

On being a Feminist: "I'm just about equality, period. It's not like, I'm a woman, women should be in charge! I just want there to be equality for everybody." "I still don't think we're there 100 percent. I mean, guy rappers grab their crotch all fucking day and have hos around them, but no one talks about it. But if I grab my crotch and I have hot model bitches around me, I'm degrading women? I'm a woman -- I should be able to have girls around me! But I'm part of the evolution of that. I hope"


On being a Disney star: "I got the most intense training. There's times where I wish I could have just started as a new artist, but the world has kind of allowed me to do that. I feel really lucky -- a lot of kid stars get all crazy or stuck in what they were, so they can't actually become what they're meant to be,"


On Liam Hemsworth: "When I went through a really intense breakup -- you know, I was engaged -- and when I was with him or when I was on Disney, the thing that gave me the most anxiety was not knowing what to do with myself when Disney wasn't there to carry me anymore or if I didn't have him. And now I'm free of both of those things, and I'm fine. Like, I lay in bed at night by myself and I'm totally okay, and that's so much stronger than the person three years ago, who would have thought they would have died if they didn't have a boyfriend."

Kate Mara, Elizabeth Olsen, Emilia Clarke, Lupita Nyong'o and Elle Fanning for Marie Clarie May 2014


Credit: Marie Claire Magazine


Kate, on getting rid of her signature red hair: “I felt relieved getting rid of red – people in my family were saying, ‘Red hair is your identity – you’ll ruin it!’ But I’m an actor. I’d shave my head if the part called for it. I love morphing into someone different; it makes you wear makeup differently.”


Elizabeth, on the lifestyle she wants: “I definitely know what kind of lifestyle I want to have. Some people recognize you for your work, not for being pictured going to clubs. So, I try and keep that kind of profile that people know you from your work and that’s it. There are some jobs that I’ve said no to, because I know what kind of attention they will bring. I choose not to have that specific kind of attention.”


Emilia, on her future: “Personally, I’d like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon. You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family. And in the same breath, I’d like to be on stage at England’s National Theatre, doing Miller and Chekhov. Give me a Sam Mendes/Tennessee Williams combination – that would be glorious. And to be making some Oscar-worthy movies with Scorsese. I’m always looking for the hard road. That way, you remain interested and interesting. Hopefully.”


Lupita, on hearing her Oscars category being announced at the show: “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It’s not even about the outcome; it’s about the agony of the unknown. It’s like waiting for test results in a hospital.”


Elle, on how she dresses: “I like to dress my age. You don’t want to look too old when you’re not, or too young when you’re not.”


Elizabeth Olsen for Flaunt

   Magazine for May 2014


Credit: Flaunt Magazine


On Godzilla: “Godzilla just looks so, so special and unique, and that’s something that I don’t think monster films have been able to do yet,” [...] “When it’s a monster, I think people tend to make things a little cartoony. This film puts the world in a fantastical position but handles it seriously.”


On the secrecy of the upcoming Avengers sequel: “Any time they give us a call sheet or any time there’s a new draft, they have to shred our old papers.” Surely that’s been peculiar, working on something so closely protected, yet right out there so squarely for all (the internet) to see? “I don’t think I’m allowed to say anything! And I’m too terrified.”


On NYU: “If I didn’t go there, I really have no idea where I would be,” “I didn’t really know what I was going to get myself into going to a theater school, because I was a theater kid in high school, but being a theater kid in L.A. is a lot different [from] being a theater kid in a small town in Connecticut, with regional theater. I was so scared to be in a place where everyone was a theater kid. They present the realistic world of work, and the disappointments. The teachers are all working themselves, no one’s just like an ‘acting teacher."


On Broadway: “Doing theater, you’re in something for about three hours. Even if something really great or really bad happened in your day, for those three hours of that night you’re not able to think about anything else. And it’s a really freeing feeling, and some days you think, ‘Oh god I have to do this’, and you do it, and then it’s over and you’re like ‘Shit, that was actually pretty good’ or ‘That was a great audience.’ It’s definitely different when I’m doing Avengers now. It takes, like, eleven setups to do one-eighth of a page; you spend a whole day doing what might be a seven-second sequence.”



Emma Stone for Vogue

   Magazine May 2014


Credit: Vogue Magazine

On googling herself: “I don’t usually like what I find… but some of it is really funny.” She mentioned that she now refers to herself as “that bland basic bitch.”


On being on the Partridge Family reality competition show: “I realized why the people on The Bachelor go so crazy. You go in there rolling your eyes, thinking, This is just a reality search competition, but then you’re there for seven weeks, and you just really, really want to win.”


On never watching Easy A: “It’s just too much of me,” she said, adding that instead of going to the premiere, she “went across the street, had home fries.”


On her boyfriend and co-star Andrew Garfield: “I think I’ve learned a lot by being around him. And, you know, he is an incredibly important person to me… It’s been fun working with him just because of who he is as an actor and person. I think it would be fun no matter what.”

Olivia Wilde for Lucky

 Magazine May 2014


Credit: Lucky Magazine


On her teenage “tomboy chic” style: "Eva Longoria always looks so put-together and goddamned adorable. But I can’t imagine walking everywhere in those heels. She goes to the Laundromat with them on! I just don’t have it in me. My style is never uncomfortable… it’s part of my nature to look a little messy.”


On her pregnancy: “I just thought, Oh I’m going to hide this forever. But I ended up getting kind of excited to show the bump, as a badge of pride. Like,”— here she affects an Oprah-like bellow—“I’m a woman! Look at me making a human! I am a goddess! Pregnancy does shed away all of the bullshit. It gives you more empathy because you look at everyone and you think, ‘You were a baby!’ Pregnancy brings you into this sort of commune—you feel connected to women in a way that you never have.”


On her ideal role: “Playing the ideal girl is much harder for me than the basket-case mess. Now when I look at roles, if it says, ‘In walks in the femme fatale, the epitome of perfection and desire,’ I say, ‘No, that’s not going to work.’ I’m not interested unless she turns out to be psychotic and murders everyone in the room. I’d rather be Ursula than the Little Mermaid.”

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